Many people have contributed to NeuroDebian over the years. We thank all researchers and programmers that produce scientific tools as free and open source software.
We are grateful to Jim Haxby for his continued support and endless supply of Italian espresso.
Thanks to the following institutions and individuals for hosting a mirror:
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College [us-nh] (primary mirror)
Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Magdeburg [de-md]
Neurobot at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece [gr]
Paul Ivanov [us-ca]
Medical-image Analysis and Statistical Interpretation lab at Vanderbilt [us-tn]
Kiyotaka Nemoto (AKA Mr. Lin4Neuro) [jp]
Iaroslav Iurchenko [ua]
Nikolaus Valentin Haenel [de-v]
INCF G-Node at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München [de-m]
MOACK [kr]
If your are interested in mirroring the repository, please see the Frequently Asked Questions.