About NeuroDebian


Email us directly with any “private” communication. Otherwise please use our public mailing lists, which exist not only to provide user-support but also to establish communication channels within the NeuroDebian community

  • neurodebian-users: Discussions and support of NeuroDebian users

  • neurodebian-upstream: General discussions and knowledge sharing among developers of neuroscience software. We also use it to update you with summaries of recent relevant developments in Debian project

  • neurodebian-devel: Technical mailing list for discussions on NeuroDebian development

You are welcome also to join #neurodebian IRC room on OFTC network if you have quick questions or want to join a live discussion.

The team

Michael Hanke and Yaroslav Halchenko originally started NeuroDebian (formerly the Experimental Psychology Debian packaging project) and are the current project leaders. However, the whole project would not be possible without the work of over 3,000 Debian developers and contributors who are as enthusiastically building the Debian operating system. A number of packages that are available from the NeuroDebian repository have been contributed by various individuals and other teams in Debian, such as Debian Med and Debian Science. We want to express our gratitude to all maintainers that help to make Debian the ultimate software platform for neuroscience.
