sri24-atlas – MRI-based brain atlas of normal adult human brain anatomy

SRI24 is an MRI-based atlas of normal adult human brain anatomy, generated by template-free nonrigid registration from images of 24 normal control subjects.

The atlas comprises T1, T2, and PD weighted structural MRI, tissue probability maps (GM, WM, CSF), maximum-likelihood tissue segmentation, DTI-based measures (FA, MD, longitudinal and transversal diffusivity), and two labels maps of cortical regions and subcortical structures. The atlas is provided at 1mm isotropic image resolution in NIfTI format.

More information: T. Rohlfing et al., “The SRI24 multichannel atlas of normal adult human brain structure,” Human Brain Mapping, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 798-819, 2010. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.20906


Torsten Rohlfing, Natalie M. Zahr, Edith V. Sullivan. Adolf Pfefferbaum (2010). The SRI24 multichannel atlas of normal adult human brain structure. *Human Brain Mapping, vol. 31, no. 5, *, . [Abstract] [DOI]

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