
This is a list of publication from the NeuroDebian team on various NeuroDebian-related topics:

Halchenko, Y.O. and Hanke, M. (2013). Open is not enough: benefits from Debian as an integrated, community-driven computing platform. Talk given at SEA-2013 conference, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Boulder CO, USA.

Hanke, M. (2012). Share your tools! But fear the wombat! Seriously. Talk given at Brainhack 2012 at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences*, Leipzig, Germany. [video]

Hanke, M. (2012). Computational and cognitive neuroscience boosted by Debian OR Just using Debian is not enough. Talk given at the workshop “Debian for Scientific Facilities Days” at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France.

Halchenko, Y. O. & Hanke, M. (2012). Open is not enough. Let’s take the next step: An integrated, community-driven computing platform for neuroscience. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 6:22.

Hanke, M. (2012). The why and how of getting packaged. Talk given at BrainScaleS CodeJam 5, Convergence in Computational Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

Halchenko, Y. O. & Hanke, M. (2012). Environments for efficient contemporary research in neuroimaging: PyMVPA and NeuroDebian. Talk given at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Hanke, M. (2012). Rock solid, brand new, everyday, for free, not a joke: NeuroDebian. Talk given at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany.

Hanke, M. (2011). More than batteries included: NeuroDebian. Talk given at the Python in Neuroscience satellite of EuroScipy 2011, Paris, France.

Halchenko, Y. O. (2011). π’s in Debian or Scientific Debian: NumPy, SciPy and beyond. Talk given at EuroScipy 2011, Paris, France.

Hanke, M. & Halchenko, Y. O. (2011). Neuroscience runs on GNU/Linux. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 5:8.

Hanke, M., Halchenko, Y. O. & Haxby, J. V. (2011). NeuroDebian – versatile platform for brain-imaging research Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, Canada.

Hanke, M. (2011). Integrating Condor into the Debian operating system. Talk given at CondorWeek 2011, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Hanke, M. & Halchenko, Y. O. (2010). Report from the Debian booth at SfN2010. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA.

Halchenko, Y. O., Hanke, M., Haxby, J. V., Pollmann, S. & Raizada, R. D. (2010). Having trouble getting your Nature paper? Maybe you are not using the right tools? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA.

Hanke, M., Halchenko, Y. O. (2010). Debian: The ultimate platform for neuroimaging research. Talk given at DebConf10, New York City, USA. [video: low resolution, high resolution]

Hanke, M., Halchenko, Y. O., Haxby, J. V. & Pollmann, S. (2010). Improving efficiency in cognitive neuroscience research with NeuroDebian. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montréal, Canada.

Halchenko, Y. O., Hanke, M. (2009). An ecosystem of neuroimaging, statistical learning, and open-source software to make research more efficient, more open, and more fun. Talk given at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA.
