The 2011 survey form


This was the 2011 survey form – displayed here for the purpose of documentation. Since the survey is already closed, it cannot be used to submit responses anymore.

This survey should take about five minutes. Immediately after submission you will be presented with some statistics on previous responses. Please try to answer as many questions as you can, but don’t worry if you cannot answer all of them. You need to have javascript enabled in your browser for this survey. For feedback email

Personal background

Which country are you working in?

Where are you working?

What is your position?

What type of data are you working with? Please check all items that apply.

Computational modeling/Simulations

Are you developing software that is intended to be used by other researchers?

Yes No

Personal scientific software environment

Here are a few questions about your personal scientific software environment for research activities like data acquisition, computational modeling, and data analysis. You might be running this on your laptop, desktop, personal workstation or any other machine where you decide what software you are using, and you typically also have permission to install it yourself. If you are operating different environments, please describe the one that you find most productive for your research purposes. If you don’t have a machine that you administer yourself, instead, please indicate what kind of scientific software environment you would like to be doing your research in.

What fraction of your research activity time do you spend in this software environment as opposed to any other environment that you might have access to?

What type of hardware are you using?

What operating system is this environment running on?

How much time do you spend each month on maintaining this environment? This includes the time spent on operating system (security) upgrades, as well as installing and updating scientific software.

hours per month

Please indicate how much you agree to the following statements.

I prefer this particular scientific software environment because …

… the developers of an important research software recommend it

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

… of the variety of available research software for this environment

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

… of the availability of commercial support

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

… many of my colleagues use something similar

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

… it is popular and I can get solutions for problems from web forums and mailing lists

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

… I rely on a particular application that runs in this environment only

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

… it has adequate support for all required hardware

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

… I have the necessary technical skills to maintain this environment myself

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

Managed scientific software environment

The following questions are about a managed environment of scientific software that is provided to you to carry out computing and data analysis. Such an environment is typically managed by dedicated IT staff, and you don’t have permissions to install arbitrary software. This environment may be shared by many researchers in a lab, a whole research institution, or even be publicly accessible. If you have access to multiple environments of this kind, please describe the one that offers most support for your particular research purposes.

What fraction of time do you spend in this environment during your research activities?

What type of hardware is this software environment running on?

What operating system is this environment running on?

How much do you agree to the following statements?

This environment provides me with the best available tools for my research

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

The support staff solves all my technical problems and addresses my demands in a timely fashion

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

There are always enough licenses for essential commercial software tools

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

I need to deploy additional software to be able to perform my research in this environment

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

Using this managed environment is more cost effective than operating a suitable environment myself

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree


The following questions are about your usage of systems for hardware virtualization in your research – so-called virtual machines. Virtualization is a technology that allows running more than one operating systems on one machine at the same time.

What fraction of your research activity time do you spend in a virtual environment as opposed to any other environment?

Which products for virtualization are you using?

Virtual PC

What guest operating system is running inside virtual machine?

What host operating system are the virtual machines running on?

What are your reasons for employing virtualization in you research? Please indicate how much you agree to the following statements

I can run software that is otherwise incompatible with my system

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

I have the ability to easily create a snapshot of my whole analysis environment

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

I can take my complete analysis environment with me and run it on different machines

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

The performance of a virtual machine is sufficient for routine application in my research

Definitely agree
Mostly agree
Mostly disagree
Definitely disagree

Resources for scientific software

Where do you obtain scientific software that you employ in your research? Please check all items that apply

Directly from vendor or project website


Comes with the operating system

Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)

Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)

Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)


FreeBSD ports

International neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) Research Tools


Matlab Central


Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse (NITRC)

Python Package Index (PyPi)

Python bundles: Enthought Python, Python(x,y)


Software selection

Please select all software that you are using in your research.

Generic computing, scripting, programming environments

C/C++ Fortran IDL Java LabVIEW LISREL
Maple Mathcad Mathematica Matlab Octave Perl
Python R Ruby Scilab SPSS SCIRun
Shell scripting

Distributed computing - frameworks and controllers

SGE Torque/OpenPBS/Maui Condor Globus MPI (any) IPython


3D Slicer AFNI Aeskulap Amide
BIRN Tools BRAINS Tools Bioimage Suite BrainMap
BrainVISA/Anatomist BrainVoyager CMTK Camino
Caret ConnectomeViewer DSI Studio DTI-TK
Diffusion Toolkit/Trackvis FSL Fiji FreeSurfer
ITK-SNAP ImageJ Invesalius LONI
Lipsia Mango MIPAV/JIST MNI tools
MRIcron MRtrix Matlab MVPA toolbox NiBabel/PyNIfTI
V3D VoxBo

Data management

XNAT/PyXNAT/... Human Imaging Database (HID)

Neural systems modeling

Brian Siemens ECANSE Emergent NNSS Genesis iNVT iqr
Moose Nengo NEST NeuroML NEURON NeuroSolutions
Topographica XNBC XPP/XPPAUT

Electrophysiology, MEG/EEG

ASA BESA BioSig BrainStorm BrainSuite Brainvision Analyzer
Chronux EEGLAB Elekta Neuromag EMSE Fieldtrip FMAToolbox
KlustaKwik Klusters LORETA/sLORETA MClust MNE suite NDManager
NeuroExplorer Neuroscan NeuroScope Neuroshare Openelectrophy OpenMEEG
Plexon Relacs RTXI Trellis-neuro

Brain-computer interface

BCI2000 OpenVIBE Pyff

Hardware interface/Data acquisition


Real-time solutions


Psychophysics, Experiment control

Cogent DMDX E-Prime OpenSesame Presentation PsychoPy Psychtoolbox
PsyScope Psytoolkit PyEPL SuperLab Tscope VisionEgg


(comma-separated list)


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