Packages for Ubuntu 16.04 “Xenial Xerus” (xenial)¶
- afni
afni (toolkit for analyzing and visualizing functional MRI data)
afni-common (miscellaneous scripts and data files for AFNI)
afni-dbg (debug symbols for AFNI)
afni-dev (header and static libraries for AFNI plugin development)
- afni-data
afni-atlases (standard space brain atlases for AFNI)
- aghermann
aghermann (Sleep-research experiment manager)
- ants
ants (advanced normalization tools for brain and image analysis)
- asciidoctor
asciidoctor (AsciiDoc to HTML rendering for Ruby)
asciidoctor-doc (AsciiDoc to HTML rendering for Ruby (documentation))
ruby-asciidoctor (AsciiDoc to HTML rendering for Ruby (core libraries))
- bats
bats (bash automated testing system)
- btrbk
btrbk (backup tool for btrfs subvolumes)
- cde
cde (package everything required to execute a Linux command on another computer)
- chardet
python-chardet (universal character encoding detector for Python2)
python3-chardet (universal character encoding detector for Python3)
- cmtk
cmtk (Computational Morphometry Toolkit)
- cnrun
cnrun-tools (NeuroML-capable neuronal network simulator (tools))
libcnrun2 (NeuroML-capable neuronal network simulator (shared lib))
libcnrun2-dev (NeuroML-capable neuronal network simulator (development files))
lua-cnrun (NeuroML-capable neuronal network simulator (Lua package))
- condor
htcondor (distributed workload management system)
htcondor-dbg (distributed workload management system - debugging symbols)
htcondor-dev (distributed workload management system - development files)
htcondor-doc (distributed workload management system - documentation)
libclassad-dev (HTCondor classads expression language - development library)
libclassad8 (HTCondor classads expression language - runtime library)
- connectome-workbench
connectome-workbench (brain visualization, analysis and discovery tool)
connectome-workbench-dbg (brain visualization, analysis and discovery tool – debug symbols)
- convert3d
convert3d (tool(s) for converting 3D images between common file formats)
- copyq
copyq (Advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features)
copyq-doc (Documentation and examples for CopyQ - HTML format)
copyq-plugins (Plugins for CopyQ)
- datalad
datalad (data files management and distribution platform)
python3-datalad (data files management and distribution platform)
- datalad-container
datalad-container (DataLad extension for working with containerized environments)
- dcm2niix
dcm2niix (converts DICOM and PAR/REC files into the NIfTI format)
- dcmstack
python3-dcmstack (DICOM to NIfTI conversion - python3 package)
- debhelper
debhelper (helper programs for debian/rules)
libdebhelper-perl (debhelper perl modules)
- debruijn
debruijn (De Bruijn cycle generator)
- dipy
python-dipy (Python library for the analysis of diffusion MRI datasets)
python-dipy-doc (Python library for the analysis of diffusion MRI datasets – documentation)
python-dipy-lib (Python library for the analysis of diffusion MRI datasets – extensions)
- diskcache
python3-diskcache (Python module for Disk and file backed persistent cache)
- docker-compose
docker-compose (Punctual, lightweight development environments using Docker)
- dockerpty
python-dockerpty (Pseudo-tty handler for docker Python client (Python 2.x))
python3-dockerpty (Pseudo-tty handler for docker Python client (Python 3.x))
- drawtk
libdrawtk-dev (Library to simple and efficient 2D drawings (development files))
libdrawtk0 (Library to simple and efficient 2D drawings)
libdrawtk0-dbg (Library to simple and efficient 2D drawings (debugging symbols))
- duecredit
python3-duecredit (Publications (and donations) tracer)
- dwz
dwz (DWARF compression tool)
- eeglab11
eeglab11-sampledata (sample EEG data for EEGLAB tutorials)
matlab-eeglab11 (electrophysiological data analysis)
- fail2ban
fail2ban (ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors)
- fsl
fsl (transitional dummy package)
fsl-5.0 (transitional dummy package)
fsl-5.0-core (analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and DTI brain imaging)
fsl-core (metapackage for the latest version of FSL)
- fsl-eddy-nonfree
fsl-5.0-eddy-nonfree (correcting eddy currents and movements in diffusion data)
- fsleyes
fsleyes (FSL image viewer)
- fsleyes-props
python-fsleyes-props (Python descriptor framework)
- fsleyes-widgets
python-fsleyes-widgets (Python descriptor framework)
- fslmeta
fsl-5.0-complete (metapackage for the entire FSL suite (tools and data))
fsl-complete (metapackage for the entire FSL suite (tools and data))
- fslpy
python-fsl (FSL Python library)
python3-fsl (FSL Python library)
- fslview
fslview (viewer for (f)MRI and DTI data)
fslview-doc (Documentation for FSLView)
- gcalcli
gcalcli (Google Calendar Command Line Interface)
- gifticlib
gifti-bin (tools shipped with the GIFTI library)
libgiftiio-dev (IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format)
libgiftiio0 (IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format)
- git-annex
git-annex-standalone (manage files with git, without checking their contents into git – standalone build)
- git-annex-adapter
python3-git-annex-adapter (call git-annex commands from within Python)
- git-annex-metadata-gui
git-annex-metadata-gui (graphical interface to the metadata functionality of git-annex)
- git-annex-remote-rclone
git-annex-remote-rclone (rclone-based git annex special remote)
- git-hub
git-hub (Git command line interface to GitHub)
- heudiconv
heudiconv (DICOM converter with support for structure heuristics)
- impressive
impressive (PDF presentation tool with eye candies)
- incf-nidash-oneclick
incf-nidash-oneclick-clients (utility for pushing DICOM data to the INCF datasharing server)
- indexed-gzip
python-indexed-gzip (fast random access of gzip files in Python)
python3-indexed-gzip (fast random access of gzip files in Python)
- ismrmrd
ismrmrd-schema (ISMRM Raw Data format (ISMRMRD) - XML schema)
ismrmrd-tools (ISMRM Raw Data format (ISMRMRD) - binaries)
libismrmrd-dev (ISMRM Raw Data format (ISMRMRD) - development files)
libismrmrd-doc (ISMRM Raw Data format (ISMRMRD) - documentation)
libismrmrd1.3 (ISMRM Raw Data format (ISMRMRD) - shared library)
- jasp
jasp (Bayesian statistics made accessible)
- joblib
python-joblib (tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python)
python3-joblib (tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python)
- json-tricks
pypy-json-tricks (Python module with extra features for JSON files)
python-json-tricks (Python module with extra features for JSON files)
python3-json-tricks (Python module with extra features for JSON files)
- lda
python-lda (Topic modeling with latent Dirichlet allocation for Python 3)
python3-lda (Topic modeling with latent Dirichlet allocation)
- libfreenect
freenect (library for accessing Kinect device – metapackage)
libfreenect-bin (library for accessing Kinect device – utilities and samples)
libfreenect-demos (library for accessing Kinect device – dummy package)
libfreenect-dev (library for accessing Kinect device – development files)
libfreenect-doc (library for accessing Kinect device – documentation)
libfreenect0.5 (library for accessing Kinect device)
- melview
fsl-melview (viewer for the output of FSL’s MELODIC)
- mialmpick
mialmpick (Tools for landmark picking in 3D volume data sets)
mialmpick-dbg (Debug information landmark picking tool mialmpick)
- mridefacer
mridefacer (de-identification of MRI data)
- mrtrix
mrtrix (diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography)
mrtrix-doc (documentation for mrtrix)
- mrtrix3
mrtrix3 (diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography)
mrtrix3-doc (documentation for mrtrix3)
- mutagen
python-mutagen (audio metadata editing library)
python-mutagen-doc (audio metadata editing library - documentation)
python3-mutagen (audio metadata editing library (Python 3))
- ncdu
ncdu (ncurses disk usage viewer)
- netselect
netselect (speed tester for choosing a fast network server)
netselect-apt (speed tester for choosing a fast Debian mirror)
- neurodebian
neurodebian (neuroscience-oriented distribution - repository configuration)
neurodebian-archive-keyring (neuroscience-oriented distribution - GnuPG archive keys)
neurodebian-desktop (neuroscience-oriented distribution - desktop integration)
neurodebian-dev (neuroscience-oriented distribution - development tools)
neurodebian-freeze (nd_freeze tool to freeze APT sources to use snapshots)
neurodebian-popularity-contest (neuroscience-oriented distribution - popcon integration)
- neurosynth
python-neurosynth (large-scale synthesis of functional neuroimaging data)
- nibabel
python-nibabel-doc (documentation for NiBabel)
python3-nibabel (Python3 bindings to various neuroimaging data formats)
- nilearn
python-nilearn (fast and easy statistical learning on neuroimaging data (Python 2))
python3-nilearn (fast and easy statistical learning on neuroimaging data (Python 3))
- nipy
python-nipy-doc (documentation and examples for NiPy)
python3-nipy (Analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data)
python3-nipy-lib (Analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data (compiled modules))
python3-nipy-lib-dbg (Analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data (debug symbols))
- nipype
python-nipype-doc (Neuroimaging data analysis pipelines in Python3 – documentation)
python3-nipype (Neuroimaging data analysis pipelines in Python3)
- nitime
python-nitime-doc (timeseries analysis for neuroscience data (nitime) – documentation)
python3-nitime (timeseries analysis for neuroscience data (nitime))
- nuitka
nuitka (Python compiler with full language support and CPython compatibility)
- numdiff
numdiff (Compare similar files with numeric fields)
- numexpr
python-numexpr (Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy)
python3-numexpr (Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy)
- openpyxl
python-openpyxl (Python module to read/write OpenXML xlsx/xlsm files)
python3-openpyxl (Python 3 module to read/write OpenXML xlsx/xlsm files)
- openstack-pkg-tools
openstack-pkg-tools (Tools and scripts for building Openstack packages in Debian)
- p7zip
p7zip (7zr file archiver with high compression ratio)
p7zip-full (7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio)
- pandas
python-pandas (data structures for “relational” or “labeled” data)
python-pandas-doc (documentation and examples for pandas)
python-pandas-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for pandas)
python3-pandas (data structures for “relational” or “labeled” data - Python 3)
python3-pandas-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for pandas - Python 3)
- patool
patool (command line archive file manager)
- patsy
python-patsy (statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas)
python-patsy-doc (documentation and examples for patsy)
python3-patsy (statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas)
- pprocess
python-pprocess (elementary parallel programming for Python)
- props
python-props (Python descriptor framework)
- psychopy
psychopy (environment for creating psychology stimuli in Python)
- psychtoolbox-3
octave-psychtoolbox-3 (toolbox for vision research – Octave bindings)
psychtoolbox-3-common (toolbox for vision research – arch/interpreter independent part)
psychtoolbox-3-dbg (toolbox for vision research – debug symbols for binaries)
psychtoolbox-3-lib (toolbox for vision research – arch-specific parts)
- psychtoolbox-3-nonfree
matlab-psychtoolbox-3 (toolbox for vision research – Matlab bindings)
matlab-psychtoolbox-3-nonfree (toolbox for vision research – Matlab binary blobs)
octave-psychtoolbox-3-nonfree (toolbox for vision research – Octave binary blobs)
- pycharm-community-sloppy
pycharm-community-sloppy (PyCharm IDE (sloppy packaging))
- pydot
python-pydot (Python interface to Graphviz’s dot)
python3-pydot (Python interface to Graphviz’s dot (Python 3))
- pyepl
python-pyepl (module for coding psychology experiments in Python)
python-pyepl-common (module for coding psychology experiments in Python)
- pygithub
python3-github (Access the full Github API v3 from Python3)
- pyglet
python3-pyglet (cross-platform windowing and multimedia library (Python 3))
- pymvpa2
python-mvpa2 (multivariate pattern analysis with Python v. 2)
python-mvpa2-doc (documentation and examples for PyMVPA v. 2)
python-mvpa2-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for PyMVPA v. 2)
- pyopengl
python-opengl (Python bindings to OpenGL (Python 2))
python3-opengl (Python bindings to OpenGL (Python 3))
- pysurfer
python-surfer (visualize Freesurfer’s data in Python)
- pytest
pypy-pytest (Simple, powerful testing in PyPy)
python-pytest (Simple, powerful testing in Python)
python-pytest-doc (Simple, powerful testing in Python - Documentation)
python3-pytest (Simple, powerful testing in Python3)
- pytest-runner
python-pytest-runner (Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution)
python3-pytest-runner (Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution)
- python-argcomplete
python3-argcomplete (bash tab completion for argparse (for Python 3))
- python-babel
python-babel (tools for internationalizing Python applications - Python 2.x)
python-babel-doc (tools for internationalizing Python applications - documentation)
python-babel-localedata (tools for internationalizing Python applications - locale data files)
python3-babel (tools for internationalizing Python applications - Python 3.x)
- python-boto
python-boto (Python interface to Amazon’s Web Services - Python 2.x)
python3-boto (Python interface to Amazon’s Web Services - Python 3.x)
- python-boto3
python-boto3 (Python interface to Amazon’s Web Services - Python 2.x)
python3-boto3 (Python interface to Amazon’s Web Services - Python 3.x)
- python-bz2file
python-bz2file (Python library for reading and writing bzip2-compressed files)
python3-bz2file (Python3 library for reading and writing bzip2-compressed files)
- python-click
python-click (Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities - Python 2.7)
python3-click (Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities - Python 3.x)
- python-deprecation
python-deprecation (Library to handle automated deprecations - Python 2.x)
python3-deprecation (Library to handle automated deprecations - Python 3.x)
- python-docker
python-docker (Python wrapper to access’s control socket)
python3-docker (Python 3 wrapper to access’s control socket)
- python-exif
python-exif (Python library to extract Exif data from TIFF and JPEG files)
python3-exif (Python library to extract Exif data from TIFF and JPEG files)
- python-fasteners
python3-fasteners (provides useful locks - Python 3.x)
- python-funcsigs
python-funcsigs (function signatures from PEP362 - Python 2.7)
python-funcsigs-doc (function signatures from PEP362 - doc)
python3-funcsigs (function signatures from PEP362 - Python 3.x)
- python-git
python-git-doc (Python library to interact with Git repositories - docs)
python3-git (Python library to interact with Git repositories - Python 3.x)
- python-gitdb
python-gitdb (pure-Python git object database (Python 2))
python3-gitdb (pure-Python git object database (Python 3))
- python-httpretty
python3-httpretty (HTTP client mock - Python 3.x)
- python-hypothesis
pypy-hypothesis (advanced Quickcheck style testing library for PyPy)
python-hypothesis (advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python 2)
python-hypothesis-doc (advanced Quickcheck style testing library (documentation))
python3-hypothesis (advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python 3)
- python-jsmin
python-jsmin (JavaScript minifier written in Python - Python 2.x)
python3-jsmin (JavaScript minifier written in Python - Python 3.x)
- python-mne
python-mne (Python modules for MEG and EEG data analysis)
- python-monotonic
python-monotonic (implementation of time.monotonic() - Python 2.x)
python3-monotonic (implementation of time.monotonic() - Python 3.x)
- python-prov
prov-tools (tools for prov)
python-prov (W3C Provenance Data Model (Python 2))
python-prov-doc (documentation for prov)
python3-prov (W3C Provenance Data Model (Python 3))
- python-py
pypy-py (Advanced Python development support library (PyPy))
python-py (Advanced Python development support library (Python 2))
python3-py (Advanced Python development support library (Python 3))
- python-pydotplus
python-pydotplus (interface to Graphviz’s Dot language - Python 2.7)
python-pydotplus-doc (interface to Graphviz’s Dot language - doc)
python3-pydotplus (interface to Graphviz’s Dot language - Python 3.x)
- python-pygraphviz
python-pygraphviz (Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package)
python-pygraphviz-dbg (Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package (debug extension))
python-pygraphviz-doc (Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package (doc))
python3-pygraphviz (Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package (Python 3))
python3-pygraphviz-dbg (Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package (py3k debug extension))
- python-pyperclip
python-pyperclip (Cross-platform clipboard module for Python)
python3-pyperclip (Cross-platform clipboard module for Python3)
- python-setuptools
pypy-pkg-resources (Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources)
pypy-setuptools (PyPy Distutils Enhancements)
python-pkg-resources (Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources)
python-setuptools (Python Distutils Enhancements)
python-setuptools-doc (Python Distutils Enhancements (documentation))
python3-pkg-resources (Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources)
python3-setuptools (Python3 Distutils Enhancements)
- python-smmap
python-smmap (pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager)
python3-smmap (pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager)
- python-urllib3
python-urllib3 (HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling for Python)
python-urllib3-whl (HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling)
python3-urllib3 (HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling for Python3)
- python-whoosh
python-whoosh (pure-Python full-text indexing, search, and spell checking library (Python 2))
python-whoosh-doc (full-text indexing, search, and spell checking library (doc))
python3-whoosh (pure-Python full-text indexing, search, and spell checking library (Python 3))
- python-wrapt
python-wrapt (decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. - Python 2.x)
python-wrapt-doc (decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. - doc)
python3-wrapt (decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. - Python 3.x)
- python-xmp-toolkit
python3-libxmp (Python3 library for XMP metadata)
python3-libxmp-doc (Python library for XMP metadata - documentation)
- rclone
golang-github-ncw-rclone-dev (go source code of rclone)
rclone (rsync for commercial cloud storage)
- remake
remake (GNU make fork with improved error reporting and debugging)
- requests
python-requests (elegant and simple HTTP library for Python2, built for human beings)
python-requests-whl (elegant and simple HTTP library for Python, built for human beings)
python3-requests (elegant and simple HTTP library for Python3, built for human beings)
- scikit-learn
python-sklearn (Python modules for machine learning and data mining)
python-sklearn-doc (documentation and examples for scikit-learn)
python-sklearn-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for scikit-learn)
python3-sklearn (Python modules for machine learning and data mining - Python 3)
python3-sklearn-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for scikit-learn - Python 3)
- seaborn
python-seaborn (statistical visualization library)
python3-seaborn (statistical visualization library)
- singularity-container
singularity-container (container platform focused on supporting “Mobility of Compute”)
- six
pypy-six (Python 2 and 3 compatibility library (PyPy interface))
python-six (Python 2 and 3 compatibility library (Python 2 interface))
python3-six (Python 2 and 3 compatibility library (Python 3 interface))
- solar-eclipse
solar-eclipse (genetic variance components analysis software)
- sparql-wrapper-python
python-sparqlwrapper (SPARQL endpoint interface to Python)
python3-sparqlwrapper (SPARQL endpoint interface to Python3)
- sphinx-gallery
python-sphinx-gallery (extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Python scripts)
python-sphinx-gallery-doc (extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Python scripts (Doc))
python3-sphinx-gallery (extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Python scripts (Python 3))
- spm8
matlab-spm8 (analysis of brain imaging data sequences for Matlab)
spm8-common (analysis of brain imaging data sequences)
spm8-data (data files for SPM8)
spm8-doc (manual for SPM8)
- statsmodels
python-statsmodels (Python module for the estimation of statistical models)
python-statsmodels-doc (documentation and examples for statsmodels)
python-statsmodels-lib (low-level implementations and bindings for statsmodels)
python3-statsmodels (Python3 module for the estimation of statistical models)
python3-statsmodels-lib (Python3 low-level implementations and bindings for statsmodels)
- stimfit
python-stfio (Python module to read common electrophysiology file formats.)
stimfit (Program for viewing and analyzing electrophysiological data)
stimfit-dbg (Debug symbols for stimfit)
- tqdm
python-tqdm (fast, extensible progress bar for Python 2)
python3-tqdm (fast, extensible progress bar for Python 3 and CLI tool)
- ubuntu-keyring
ubuntu-keyring (GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu archive)
- uftp
uftp (Encrypted multicast file transfer program)
- utopia-documents
utopia-documents (PDF reader that displays interactive annotations on scientific articles)
utopia-documents-dbg (debugging symbols for utopia-documents)
python-vcr (record and replay HTML interactions (Python library))
python3-vcr (record and replay HTML interactions (Python3 library))
- vmri-nonfree
virtual-mri-nonfree (Virtual Magnetic Resonance Imager)
- vowpal-wabbit
libvw-dev (fast and scalable online machine learning algorithm - development files)
libvw0 (fast and scalable online machine learning algorithm - dynamic library)
vowpal-wabbit (fast and scalable online machine learning algorithm)
vowpal-wabbit-dbg (fast and scalable online machine learning algorithm - debug files)
vowpal-wabbit-doc (fast and scalable online machine learning algorithm - documentation)
- vrpn
libvrpn-dev (Virtual Reality Peripheral Network (development files))
libvrpn0 (Virtual Reality Peripheral Network (client library))
libvrpnserver0 (Virtual Reality Peripheral Network (server library))
vrpn (Virtual Reality Peripheral Network (executables))
vrpn-dbg (Virtual Reality Peripheral Network (debugging symbols))
- vtk-dicom
libvtk-dicom-java (DICOM for VTK - java)
libvtk-dicom0.5 (DICOM for VTK - lib)
libvtk-dicom0.5-dev (DICOM for VTK - dev)
python-vtk-dicom (DICOM for VTK - python)
vtk-dicom-tools (DICOM for VTK - tools)
- youtube-dl
youtube-dl (downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites)